Energy Healing Power

Powerful Energy Healing Impacts the Total Self

EnergyHealingPower-ChoseEnergyHealingpngIn this audio, learn about the influence of energy healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. The broader questions of religion and spirituality in healing are also briefly discussed and the golden core of every person is affirmed. As you listen to Chapter Six of my book, Choosing Energy Therapy, I invite you to reflect on your beliefs.

  1. Who do you believe heals?
  2. What does the statement, “All healing is self-healing”, mean to you?
  3. Have you experienced unexplainable phenomena?

Chapter 6, Impacting the Total Self, Topic Locations

1:08 Unexplained Sensations
7:14 Who Heals? Angels or the Devil?
8:23 Is a Belief in God Necessary to Healing?
11:40 People are Roses, not Onions
12:57 For Reflection

You may access the other chapters of my book by clicking on the links below:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

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