Wanda’s Story…
Excerpted from an interview with Joni, host of Spiritual Aliveness
In 2005, I discovered I have healing hands. My friend quit dialysis and all medications without a doctor’s care. Within hours of stopping her medications, she became agitated, uncomfortable and unreasonable. I was compelled to slowly move my hands about six inches above her body from head to foot. I repeated this until she calmed. My friend said this experience was like going to Nirvana, a higher state of consciousness where there is no suffering. At her request, I repeated the process once or twice daily always with the same result. She received no pain medication and remained fully lucid until her peaceful death five days later surrounded by her family.
My experience with my friend was so powerful I began to explore energy healing. In 2007, I opened my business To soothe and to heal, now doing business as “Healing Energy Services,” and offered sessions to clients. I closed my Proposal Writing and Development business and became certified in the Healing Touch Program in 2008. In 2009, I expanded to include Healing Touch for Animals and Reiki. Animal communication was natural part of providing energy work for animals. In 2015, I added hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis to better assist my clients.
I teach Animal and People Usui Reiki and Animal Communication remotely and at my office in Olympia WA. I am available to speak on energy healing and animals to groups of any size. My book, Choosing Energy Therapy: A Practical Guide to Healing Options for People and Animals, is available on Amazon.
In addition to my private practice, I also serve patients as a contract provider for Assured Hospice I have volunteered in the Providence Animal Assisted Therapy program and with Kim Martin, DVM. I currently volunteer with PTSD Hope for Heroes, providing Reiki and communication for the equine therapists that work with veterans.
Connecting with the healing power of the universe opened my natural psychic abilities. I work as a people and pet psychic and healer. I hear animals talk, see pictures from people’s and animals’ lives, talk to them after their deaths, and see their past lives. Psychic readings provide people with insights into their lives. Medium services allow people to get in touch with loved ones who have left this life. Intuitive knowing brings a depth of information to client sessions that is often not revealed in conversation.
The ability to communicate with animals and other living and non-living aspects of our universe is rooted in my philosophy that everything within the universe–whether animate, inanimate, or man-made–has consciousness. There is much we don’t know or see, even though it is right beside us. We have much to learn about and from those that share this planet with us.
I experience animals as highly evolved, sentient beings whom I respect and learn from. I respect animals’ consciousness, feelings, and wisdom. I gain insight from my communications with animals. I participate in research studies on animal communication and I follow studies of the consciousness of animals, plants, bacteria, and cells. I seek greater understanding of the divine and universal consciousness.
When I connect with animals, I do so with love, respect, and appreciation for who they truly are. My approach is heart-centered rather than rooted in logic or judgment. The depth of connection varies—from addressing their immediate, practical needs to exploring their perspectives on life, past experiences, and their place in the world and beyond.
Member Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals, and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapists Association.