Classes and Events 2025
Animal Reiki I & II
TBD 2025: 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Required text: Animal Reiki Master Teacher Manual: Everything You Need to Know to Practice Animal Reiki on Your Pets and Animals by Harriette-Rose and Molly Malone. $19.90.
In person class
Supporting the self-healing of animals through Reiki is a profound act of love that deepens our connection with all species. Reiki is an energy healing practice that fosters deep relaxation and supports animals on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual–past, present and future.
This experiential, interactive class combines lecture, reading, discussion, demonstration, and practice with dogs and horses for the in-person class and animals and pets that you know for the Zoom class. Participants will be attuned to Reiki Levels I and II qualifying them to provide Reiki to self and animals. Certificate awarded at completion.
Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki I & II for People
TBD 2025 in person: 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Required text: Reiki: The Healing Touch First and Second Degree Manual by William Lee Rand. $20.95.
Class Via Zoom TBD 2025.
Supporting the self-healing of people through Reiki is a profound act of love. The release and relaxation provided by Reiki fosters healing on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual; past, present, and future—for both the giver and the receiver.
This course qualifies you to be a Reiki practitioner for people. You will be attuned to Levels I and II of Reiki, learn and practice cleansing the energy field, scanning the energy field, providing Reiki with your hands, eyes and at a distance.
This experiential, interactive class combines lecture, reading, discussion, demonstration, and practice. You will give and receive treatments using Byosen scanning, the Reiki symbols, and the hand placement system. You will experience sending Reiki at a distance to individuals and situations. Certificate awarded at completion.

Animal Communication – Initial
TBD 2025 in person: Thursday evenings, 4 classes, 3 hours each over 4 weeks. 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each day.
Class Via Zoom TBD 2025
We all talk to our animals, but do we hear them? Understanding our animals’ point of view and responding to their concerns and desires improves our relationships and their quality of life.
This course uncovers your natural abilities to communicate with animals through mental pictures, telepathic knowing, seeing through the animal’s eyes, and looking inside the animal. Each class includes practice and positive reinforcement.
Students will communicate with each other’s animals in person and at a distance, as well as communicate with wild animals and animals on the other side. Class instruction is supplemented by weekly assignments. Certificate awarded at completion.
Animal Communication – Advanced
TBD in person 2025. Thursday evenings 4 classes, 3 hours each over 4 weeks, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each day.
Class Via Zoom TBD 2025.
This course focuses on communication to increase understanding between animals and their people and to resolve physical, mental, emotional, and environmental issues.
Students will use and extend the skills they learned in the Animal Communication – Initial class to strengthen the animal/human bond, increase harmony in multi-animal households, and negotiate solutions to challenging animal behaviors. Students will benefit from Wanda’s extensive experience supporting animals and people in difficult situations. May include fieldwork with horses (as available).
This class qualifies students to provide professional communication services. Pre-requisite prior Animal Communication course. Class instruction supplemented by weekly assignments. Certificate awarded at completion.
Students will practice and learn how to
- *Complete a professional targeted intake.
- *Enhance their communications with animals.
- *Negotiate issues of concern for win-win solutions.
- *Sensitively communicate with the animal’s human.
- *Use a pendulum to verify information received.
- *Maintain professional boundaries
Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master
TBD in person 2025: Class 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Required text: Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Manual – Online World Peace Reiki by William Lee Rand. $20.95.
Class Via Zoom TBD 2025.
The Reiki Master class expands your connection with the Divine and your ability to channel even greater levels of Reiki’s healing energy. Holy Fire is a conscious, intelligent energy that cleanses, purifies, heals, and transforms you and those you work with whether human or animal.
The Master and Holy Fire symbols are empowered through ignitions that open ever greater access to the power of Reiki. Once ignited in the student, Holy Fire continues to grow in strength and vibration, healing and empowering you, and deepening your connection with Reiki and the Divine.
World Peace Reiki, included in this course, supports your individual consciousness in unifying with your divine consciousness, peace within yourself ,and greater peace around you and in the world. Certificate awarded at completion.
Putting it all Together: Animal Communication + Reiki
TBD 2025: 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
In Person class Olympia WA.
Afternoon of Oct 6 (to be confirmed) provide in person communication with Reiki to PTSD Hope for Heroes equine therapy horses in Yelm.
Increase your ability to help animals by combining communication with Reiki. You will develop your skills through experiential learning and feedback from the animals and their people.
Students will work with their animal companions, the animal companions of other people at a distance and (to be confirmed) with the equine therapists in person. Students will expand their knowledge to include working with the body’s main energy channel, the Hara, using a pendulum to assess energy flow in the joints and organs, and the practical experience issues of working with other’s animals.
This class focuses on doing both Reiki and communication in a single session. Prerequisite Reiki I & II and Animal Communication. Reiki Master and Advanced Animal Communication highly recommended. Certificate awarded at completion.
Metaphysic & Wellness MeWe Fair
Dates to be determined. Saturday and Sunday.
On site drop in. 70 booths. 35 talks. Thurston County Fairgrounds: 3054 Carpenter Rd SE, Lacey, WA
Stop by my booth and say Hello. Are your chakras open and flowing or constricted? I’ll check your Chakra for free! Get a ten minute (or more) fee-based people or animal reading with intuitive insight. Pick up a complimentary copy of my book, Choosing Energy Therapy: A Practical Guide to Healing Options for People and Animals. Enjoy the many other readers, psychics, healers and vendors who also attend this event. Hourly speakers provide insight and information on their specialties.
Animal Reiki Master
Aug 2025 TBD Saturday and Sunday.
Required text (same as one for Animal Reiki I & II. Animal Reiki Master Teacher Manual: Everything You Need to Know to Practice Animal Reiki on Your Pets and Animals.
In person class Olympia WA
To register, email [email protected]
This course opens your ability to access increased levels of Reiki energy for the benefit of yourself and others. You will deepen your Reiki skills and ability to facilitate profound healings for animals. This course qualifies you as a Master Reiki Animal practitioner and teacher, able to attune animals to the Reiki energy. You will be introduced to the violet flame, the hara (the main energy channel of the body) and working with the Divine Animal kingdom.
Class work includes demonstrations and working with animals and people at a distance and in person. In person class includes fieldwork with horses (as available).
Text purchased separately. Prerequisite Reiki I and II for Animals. Reiki Animal Master certificate awarded at completion.