Energy Healing Methods



Repair the Past. Heal the Present. Embrace the Future

DistanceEnergyHealig-HealingEnergyServicesExpert Reiki Energy Healing for People and Animals

Energy healing methods like Reiki and Healing Touch work to clear and balance the aura (biofield) and chakras of both people and animals, supporting their self-healing processes. Hypnotherapy engages the subconscious mind to address the issue. Mediumship allows you to talk to those in the next life. Psychic knowing provides insights into your situation and makes connections between your current situation and factors that influence it. These methods are non-invasive, safe, and effective and honor the body, mind, spirit, and emotion’s capacity to self-heal.

Wanda uses her extensive training and psychic gifts to provide sessions tailored to your specific needs or your animal’s. Wanda asks what results you want to achieve from the session, then takes a brief history. Drawing from years of experience working with people and animals,  Wanda customizes each session to meet your needs and desires.

Sessions include energy healing, hypnotherapy, clairvoyant reading, mediumship, or a combination of these methods as appropriate. In person and distance sessions via Zoom or phone are equally effective.

Animal (all species) Communication and Healing

Effective communication and healing can help prevent or resolve many misunderstandings, behavioral challenges, and difficult transitions. Wanda’s profound respect and admiration for animals are evident in her gentle and understanding approach which encourages animals to communicate openly. By listening to their perspective, Wanda gains insights into their thoughts and feelings while sharing what you cherish about them and any concerns you may have. Her ultimate goal is to achieve the best outcome for everyone involved.

For your convenience, every session is recorded. For distance sessions, you provide a photo of your animal taken on the day of or the day before the appointment. During these sessions, Wanda collects a brief history from you, discusses your goals for the session, and learns what you love about your animal along with any concerns. She then establishes a heart-to-heart, spirit-to-spirit connection with your animal, facilitating both communication and healing.

Cats, birds, and other animals that dislike car rides prefer distance sessions. Horses are treated remotely as well, although barn visits can be arranged  for an additional fee. Dogs and their humans often enjoy visiting Wanda’s office in Olympia, WA.


ReconnectiveHealing-WandaBucknerMediumship and Psychic Readings

Readings offer a powerful tool for enhancing your understanding of the energetic patterns and dynamics surrounding various situations in your life. They provide valuable insights into how these energies influence your behavior, relationships, and decision-making processes, empowering you to navigate life with greater clarity and confidence. These readings can uncover underlying themes, blockages, or opportunities, helping you approach challenges with renewed perspective.

Communicating with people and animals who have passed over offers deep emotional comfort and fosters a sense of closure. These sessions provide a channel for messages of love, reassurance, or unresolved matters, allowing for healing and peace. This connection transcends physical boundaries, offering a profound reminder of the enduring bond between souls.

Past life readings add another layer of insight by exploring the experiences and relationships that may be influencing your current life. Whether it’s a reading for yourself or one involving a beloved animal companion, these sessions can reveal karmic ties, shared journeys, or lessons carried forward across lifetimes. This deeper understanding can help explain certain behaviors, patterns, or emotions, giving you tools for growth and self-awareness.



In hypnosis, the barrier between the conscious and subconscious mind softens, creating a state of focused relaxation where you can access and address deeper layers of your mind. This powerful process allows you to explore and resolve issues in your life that may be rooted in traumatic memories, uncover subconscious decisions or beliefs that are no longer serving you, and influence your physical and emotional responses to various situations. By tapping into this state, you can gain clarity and create meaningful shifts in your thought patterns and behavior.

Wanda gently and expertly guides you through this journey in a safe and supportive environment. Her approach helps you release unwanted emotions, such as guilt, anger, or sadness, resolve inner conflicts that may be causing stress or confusion, and reduce discomfort—whether it’s physical pain or emotional turmoil. Through hypnosis, you can work towards building healthier coping mechanisms, fostering inner peace, and empowering yourself to move forward in life.

This highly effective method has shown remarkable results in alleviating pain, calming anxiety, and overcoming fears or phobias. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic discomfort, a way to manage stress and overwhelm, or a solution to long-held fears, hypnosis provides a gentle yet transformative path to healing and self-discovery.


Courses in Reiki for People and Animals and Animal Communication

Wanda offers comprehensive annual courses in Reiki for People and Animals, covering Levels I through Master, as well as Animal Communication. These teachings provide students with the tools and understanding to connect deeply with both themselves and the living beings around them. Reiki is a gentle yet powerful healing method that channels universal life energy to support the body in its natural ability to self-heal. This practice is rooted in the principle that energy flows through all living things, and by harnessing this energy, one can address imbalances, promote relaxation, and encourage overall well-being.

Attunement to Reiki is a transformative process that opens the student’s access to the intelligent, conscious Reiki energy. This connection empowers students to direct healing energy toward themselves, their loved ones, or the animals in their care. Each level of Reiki training deepens this connection, advancing the student’s ability to work with the universal energy in increasingly profound ways.

Additionally, Wanda’s Animal Communication classes complement Reiki training by teaching students how to build meaningful, intuitive connections with animals. These skills allow for an open exchange of thoughts, emotions, and understanding between humans and animals, fostering trust and mutual respect. Through practice, students learn to “listen” to animals on a deeper level, gaining insights into their needs, feelings, and even their experiences. This ability to communicate can offer clarity in resolving behavioral issues, addressing health concerns, or simply strengthening the bond between human and animal companions.

Together, Reiki and Animal Communication empower individuals to create harmony and healing in their relationships with animals and themselves. Wanda’s courses provide a supportive environment where students can cultivate these skills, enriching their lives and the lives of the animals they cherish.


Reiki defined

Reiki is a gentle, holistic healing practice that focuses on balancing the body’s natural energy. During a session, Reiki flows through the practitioner to the recipient to promote relaxation and harmony. People often find Reiki helpful for reducing stress, easing physical discomfort, and fostering emotional well-being. It’s a soothing experience that encourages the body and mind to restore balance naturally, leaving the recipient feeling calm and refreshed. Whether individuals seek a moment of peace or an energetic boost, Reiki offers a nurturing experience perfect for any circumstance. Practitioners take Reiki classes where they are attuned to the Reiki energy by a Reiki Master.

Healing Touch defined

Healing Touch is a nurturing energy therapy that focuses on restoring balance and harmony in your body, mind, and spirit. This gentle, heart-centered practice involves a trained practitioner consciously directing energy to support your natural healing process. It’s deeply relaxing and can help alleviate stress, reduce pain, enhance emotional well-being, and strengthen your immune system. Healing Touch is a wonderful way to find a sense of calm and balance. Practitioners learn Healing Touch through a series of classes from a certified teacher.