Energy Healing for Animals
Treatments are offered at Wanda’s office, at the animal’s home, and at a distance. Sessions last approximately one hour, but may be longer. Sessions include intake, assessment, treatment based on the assessment, aromatherapy, post assessment and follow-up. Wanda brings her psychic gifts and decades of experience to every healing session creating a unique session tailored to you and your animal’s unique needs. Results can include: reduced tension and nervousness; trauma recovery; improved behaviors; pain relief; and faster healing from surgery, injuries or illness.
Animal communication allows you to better understand your animal’s needs, desires, and emotions. It helps build a stronger bond between you and your animal friend, fostering mutual respect and trust. By understanding their perspective, you can make informed decisions that enhance their well-being and address behavioral or emotional issues more effectively.
Reiki is a gentle, noninvasive healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and supports the body’s natural healing processes. It can help alleviate pain, improve energy levels, and enhance overall well-being. It can also aid in healing from injuries, surgeries, or trauma and provide comfort and support during emotional or physical illness or transition.
Your appointment, in person or at a distance. At your appointment, you will share information about your animal and any background details you want Wanda to know, including what you love about your animal and your concerns or questions. Wanda will call or meet you at the appointment time. If the appointment is by phone or Zoom, you will send a photo taken the day before or the day of the appointment to Wanda through email or text.
Assessment: Wanda connects heart-to-heart and spirit-to-spirit with your animal friend. She assesses their chakras and Hara and the energy flow through the spine, joints, and any organs of concern.
Communication: Wanda tells your animal friend what you appreciate about them and communicates your concern. As you listen, Wanda records as she and your animal converse. You hear animal’s point of view, their feelings about the situation you have concerns about, and what they would like in their life. Behavior change involves negotiation, increased understanding, and clarification of their job.
Reiki: After the conversation, Wanda does a Reiki healing session—clearing and balancing their energetic system, opening their chakras, aligning their Hara, and boosting their energetic system.
After their conversation, Wanda uploads the audio file and forwards it via email. The full session takes about an hour.
Changes are often immediate and continue to manifest over time. Some issues are resolved in one session. Long-term, chronic issues may take more sessions or require maintenance tune-ups.
Wanda demonstrates below how a hands-on Reiki session looks. Most sessions are completed without physical touch either a few feet from your animal or remotely from any distance. Note the deep relaxation this dog experiences even in this short demo. Schedule a session for your animal (any species) here. Thank you, Charlie, for being my model. Thank you Jenny Hamilton for bringing Charlie and filming.
What to Expect
The client and I set an appointment time and date. The client sends me via any background information they want me to have, including veterinary assessments, and a current snapshot. I always want to know the things the client appreciates about their animal friend. If the client is able to be home at the time of the session, I call at the appointed time for any update or additional information. Then we hang up.
During the session, I ask that clients not engage with their animal. The animal can be wherever and do whatever they choose. I want the animal to have the opportunity to turn within and work with the energy. I record an audio for the client, so they can hear the full conversation. I assess the energetic system of the animal–the chakras and Hara–and the physical energy flow through the spine, joints, and any organs of concern. I tell the animal what their person appreciates about them and what I appreciate. I let them know why their human asked me to communicate with them. I ask if they’d like to talk and listen to their view of the situation. I want to know what is going on with them and what they need to be more comfortable or feel better. We have a conversation about what is possible.
After we finish talking, I do a healing session–clearing and balancing their energetic system. After this is complete, I ask them if there is anything more they’d like to say. I thank them for talking to me and say goodbye.
Then I call my client and ask what they observed during the session (it often looks like deep sleep). I share what the animal talked about and information on the animal’s energetic system. After our conversation, I upload the audio file and forward it via email. The full session takes about an hour.
Changes are often immediate and continue to manifest over time. Some issues are resolved in one session. Long term, chronic issues may take more sessions or require maintenance tuneups.
Complementary Care
Energy healing complements veterinarian care to improve the animal’s well-being and quality of life; it does not replace medical attention.