Client Responses to Energy Sessions
The comments below reflect the experiences of my clients.
You are unique; your experience will be unique.
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I was going through several transitions in my life professionally, personally, physically. Wanda brought me through these transitions using her intuitive, gentle, healing energy work. My sessions with Wanda were the catalysts for life changes. — Karen Hannegan, client
Wanda, I wanted to email you to thank you again for my energy session. It made all the difference. I took the Young Living Essential Oil “Clarity” that you gave me on cotton balls with me into the procedural room. In the prep room I overheard my two nurses commenting on “what a great smell in this area of the room.” I opened the plastic bag that had the cotton and oil in it and asked them if this is what they smelled. That was it. This engendered a lengthy conversation about Young Living Essential Oils and Healing Touch. The nurse was extremely interested. I stuffed the bag in my sock and the oil’s odor permeated the area around my gurney. The endoscopy went swiftly and well. Normally the procedure takes between 10 to 20 minutes; longer if there are complications. However, mine took a mere 4 1/2 minutes. I was under and awake again within a half hour and so I did not have the usual lengthy fogginess that can last for a couple of days.I think it might have aided the doctor with the procedure too, helping it go so smoothly. –RS, client
Wanda, I want you to know that I have benefited from your generous time that you spent healing my body. I was open minded and am very grateful. I have been healed of a lot of the traumatic brain injury.
- I can filter out noises in a crowded area now
- I can remember daily what I am supposed to do
- I can write, type and use full interesting sentences like my old self
- I have no headache
- I am not so overwhelmed
- I have my intimacy with my husband
- I feel like my old personality is coming back!
Thank you, Wanda. I feel like I am going to make a full recovery! I highly recommend Wanda. She is a wonderful Reiki Master and Healing Touch Practitioner. I have had treatments from her many times. They have transformed my life in a very positive way. I appreciate how Wanda volunteers every year at the Brain Injury conference and community. –Tawnya Padilla, client
I have and am still able to breathe quite well through my nose since I left you. I haven’t been able to do that since the septoplasty and bilateral turbinate reduction. –LG, Written 22 days after appointment
The first time I saw Wanda, she asked if I had any issues with my feet and did my shoes fit correctly. My feet and hands were always very cold—I wore long sleeves, long underwear and wool socks to keep warm. I had been on chemotherapy for several years to control pustular psoriasis. After a few sessions, I realized my hands and feet were no longer cold! Although this wasn’t the focus of our sessions, it’s very nice to be toasty warm. –LG, client
I just had to share this wonderful news with you, it is so very unexpected. This morning, I got the result of the sonogram on my carotid arteries. My doctor was shocked! The report is NO BLOCKAGE in either the right or the left artery. (The left was 30% blocked when I had the original sonogram done 2 years ago.) Disbelieving what he was seeing, he called the technicians who performed the sonogram. They had used a different procedure and a different technology, so he was uncertain as to how the two tests really compared. When going through all of the “pictures,” the left artery still showed some plaque attachment, but no blockage, so he conservatively has said that the results are probably improved and certainly no worse than the original test showed. My doctor, an expert in this field, told me that I was the first patient he has ever had, to have a follow-up sonogram come back better than the original. Now, I will admit to you that 2 years ago, I was part of a 6 month study of a new drug intended to remove blockages from arteries and that probably has something to do with these results, since I am fairly certain I was not on the placebo. However, that study still continues and the actual results will not be known for some years. My doctor was stymied as to how good my result is, since, even with his conservative views, it still exceeds anything that he thought possible from my taking the test drugs. I honestly believe that Healing Touch had something to do with these unexpected results. I was just hoping that things had not gotten worse, and am delighted with this news. Relieved! Thank you. –RA, client
Thank you again so very much for the wonderful session, it was so nice chatting and I appreciated you sharing some of your experiences with me–your very presence is such a gift! The session made such a difference! I was singing and smiling all the way home and danced and sang and whistled my heart out in the kitchen and was filled with a deep joy, all fear had melted away. It feels like a layer of me has returned that has been gone for years! Thank you, thank you with all my heart!! –MS, client
Wanda is wonderful! She brings her grounded wisdom as a doctoral-level educator to the table as an energy worker and to the classroom. She is a lifelong student herself, and she loves to share what she learns. –Joanna Cummings, Kick Butts, Take Names, We Are Powerful
My experience with the Trans Scalar healing was profound, it was as if we were able to unlock neatly hidden pieces of my very soul to be healed and re-integrated into my being. I felt as if it were a very empowering step on the path to becoming whole again. I was delighted at the synchronicity of our shared insights. Many thanks! –FT, client
Healing Touch is a wonderful way to connect the body, mind, and spirit and bring healing, peace and relaxation into everyday life. –Karyn Laws, MA, LMHC; Licensed Mental Health Counselor
I have worked with Wanda on many levels: as my instructor for a wonderful workshop at Catherine House; as my healer, as we worked together to explore Healing Touch and more recently; as my coordinator for Healing Touch Program classes. Wanda is gentle, warm, caring and doesn’t miss the details. I love working with Wanda! –Dawn Warnaca, Healing Touch Certified Practitioner/Instructor, Energy Healing Studio