MysticMag covered a variety of energy healing methods in their November issue. My discussion of Reiki is the last entry in the article. Enjoy the perspective of fellow practitioners. I will teach Holy Fire Reiki I & II for humans January 25-26 in Olympia WA and Animal Reiki I & II in April in Yelm […]
How I Became an Energy Healer
Some people are born knowing they have healing abilities; others discover their abilities through training. For myself, a friend’s impending death opened the healing energy latent in all of us. Training and experience honed my abilities. In this video, between minutes 3:28 to 12:09, I discuss the initial experience that brought me to this […]

The spiritual leader of a group I know believes that “channeled” information cannot be questioned because it comes from a higher source. My belief is there may be more to the whole than any one “channel” perceives.

Clear Aura
Ever wish for a straightforward way to clear your aura and chakras plus ground into the earth energy and access cosmic energy? This 20 minute guided meditation will help you do just that.

2024 Classes
If you are interested in taking classes from me, please see the information below. Wishing you the very best of living, loving and learning in 2024. – Wanda

Pendulum Assessment
My friend complained about a buzzing in his foot. When I pre-assessed his foot with my pendulum, it showed compromise, but when he assessed the energetic flow with his pendulum, the flow showed as open. Why would that be?

Family Gathering Stress
Just in time to prepare you for challenging holiday gatherings…even though Christmas is over, New Year’s Eve is nearly here, and those gatherings can be just as challenging, not to mention any other gatherings that occur thoughout the year.

End of Life Decisions
This chapter of my book, Choosing Energy Therapy, addresses the difficult final life decisions for ourselves and our animals. May this help you clarify your personal decisions before you must act on them.

Using A Pendulum
Am I being way too self-doubting about doing Reiki? I worry that I when I pre-assess and post-assess the energy of an area of the body with my pendulum, I see what I want to see!

Animal Communication Class
This course focuses on communication to increase understanding between animals and their people and to resolve physical, mental, emotional, and environmental issues. Students will use and extend their skills to: