In this episode on The Natural Choice Network, host Darielle Archer and Wanda Buckner discuss animals and her work as an animal psychic.
Author Archive | Wanda Buckner
Support Your Animal Friend During Vet Procedures
Oh no! Your beloved animal companion is scheduled for a procedure at the veterinary hospital. Whether it’s a tooth cleaning or major surgery your fears come alive—will Fido be ridden with anxiety? Will Fifi be all right? Will they be scarred for life emotionally or physically? You feel anxious and your gut is rumbling with […]
Dr. Wanda Buckner, founder of Healing Energy Services, Pet and People Communicator, Energy Healer, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Hypnotherapist, Holy Fire Reiki Healer, and Medium, Mediumship for Pets and People will discuss empathy, her life’s stories and the empath continuum.
Psychic Protection
Wanda Buckner, founder of Healing Energy Services for People and Animals, discusses psychic protection against negative forces with Carol Olivia Adams, host of The Matter of the Heart.
What Happens After Death
People come to me often in great grief from the death of a loved one. They’ve come, because they want their loved one to stay…but is that possible?
Usui Holy Fire Reiki I and II Course
I am so happy to present this course…I hope you will join me. You will learn how to give yourself and others Reiki sessions, scanning, how to cleanse your energy field, and how to provide Reiki with your hands, eyes and at a distance.
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Course
I am so pleased to be offering The Usui/Holy Fire Reiki I & II course – October 5th & 6th.
Afterlife of Animals
The Afterlife of Animals – Where Are They Now? Jupiter Rising Show Podcast: 4-27-19
Find Happiness
This is the third in a series of articles of a SEEKER on finding happiness…we begin with the SEEKER asking this basic question: Is there happiness in my future? Which leads to further discussion about happiness and unconditional love.
Influencing Your Energy Field
Our energy field picks up bits and pieces of other people’s and places’ energy daily. Our chakras get clogged with old memories and hurtful experiences. Our body’s aches and pains reflect in our energy field. Emotional stress impacts our body. What can we do to energetically clear ourselves?