Sometimes people think Energy Therapy is “woo-woo” and has no basis in science. Not true. Hospitals and medical doctors use energy therapy both for diagnosis and treatment. This audio of Chapter 2 in my book Choosing Energy Therapy provides basic information.
This audio of Chapter 5 of my book Choosing Energy Therapy discusses the role of energy healing with veterinary care, the limitations of energy work, and the role of energy healing in life and death situations. Also learn about the role of animals in our lives in relationship to our issues.
In this audio, learn about the influence of energy healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. The broader questions of religion and spirituality in healing are also briefly discussed and the golden core of every person is affirmed. As you listen to Chapter Six of my book, Choosing Energy Therapy, I invite you […]
With so many energy healing options, how do you choose a practitioner? This audio of Chapter 8 of my book Choosing Energy Therapy provides guidelines and suggestions for finding the healer you are looking for.
Even when choosing your Energy Healer, there are practical matters that must be considered. In this chapter of my book, I discuss informed consent, code of ethics and scope of practice. Remember, you are the expert on you. You will find this information helpful in deciding who to choose for energy healing work for yourself, your […]
My visit to the gray whales of San Ignacio Lagoon March 2 through 6, 2018, allowed me to be physically close to whales in a way I didn’t know was possible.
As an Energy Healer, I am well-acquainted with the various energy healing modalities, their differences, similarities, and how they can work complementary to one another. So, for those who may not understand how each modality can benefit you, I wanted to write this article.